Each July, Gaia Community chooses a deity or other power to focus on during the coming year. We start by taking nominations from the community, until we have a field of 16 potential patrons. We then narrow the field down to three with a “Penny Auction” or penny drive – each power has a collection jar at our Sunday services, and folks support their favorites by donating change in the jar(s) of the power(s) they like. This part of the process starts at Spring Equinox and runs until Beltane. The top three contenders then advance to the next round. Nominations just wrapped up, and the Penny Auction begins today! Our contenders for 2018-2019 are:
- Artemis
- Athena
- Eris Kallisti Discordia
- Freya
- Freyr (Ing)
- Frigga
- Ganesha
- Grendel
- Hecate
- Neith
- Odin
- Prometheus
- Rhiannon
- Sif
- Taliesin
- Thor Odinson
Each week, we’ll count contributions for each of the powers, and post current standings. The top three will be announced during the potluck meal following our Beltane ritual on April 29th.