This Sunday: Ritual – Horus the Redeemer

We call on Horus this Sunday as a force for protection, as the champion who rescued and redeemed his father Osiris from unending death. As the country reels from the continuing spread of the novel coronavirus, we invoke and make offering to Horus, asking him to spread his wings over our congregation and over the world that looks for order, for protection, for shelter from the storm.For the time being, our rituals and other events will be held on Zoom: Gaia’s Zoom link for this ritual is or you can enter the meeting ID if you’ve already downloaded the software: Gaia’s is 444-999-4327 – zoom has implemented mandatory passwords so you’ll also need to enter 195272 if you do it this way. You may find the following items useful to participate more fully in ritual:
* a candle or chalice (and a way to light it)
* a bowl of clear water, with salt and baking soda if you have them, but clean water is fine
* a cloth for drying your hands
* if you have the ability to do so, you may wish to print the Eye of Horus,

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