This Sunday (5/10) – In the Witch’s House

We continue to work our magic together but separately. In this ritual, we will bless and (re)claim the magical spaces in our own homes, strengthening our protections and our ties to the spirits and powers that keep company with us.

For this ritual, we ask that you clear a small space somewhere in your home to use as an altar, and that you connect with us from somewhere near that space if possible. Your altar might contain representations of your house spirits and/or personal deities; items that remind you of the way you want your home to feel; a candle or light of some kind; a bowl with salt and water; incense if appropriate; a rattle, shaker, or other noise-making tool; an empty bowl for offerings; and a snack and drink for you to share with your spirits and powers; and any decorations you like. If you don’t have all of those things to hand, don’t worry! Witches are resourceful people, and we can practice without tools and trappings if we need to.

Please join us for social hour at 3 pm, or for ritual at 4.

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