This Sunday (10/4)

The Discordian Holy (or “Wholly”) Year is organized around five seasons: Chaos, Discord, Confusion, Bureaucracy, and The Aftermath. This ritual will take place on Bureaucracy 58, nearly to the end of the season before it all comes tumbling down into the Aftermath. And if that’s not a good summary of 2020 overall, we don’t know what is (and we might not want to know, honestly). So rather than running screaming from the chaos, perhaps we might take a few moments to explore it and find things of value, or things we definitely do not value.

Please wear comfortable clothing, remember to sign the waiver, and feel free to sign into Zoom with your Pope Name, or request one during coffee hour.

Join us on Zoom: The room will open at 3pm Central for social time, with the ritual beginning at 4.

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