We have spent a year under the patronage of the Mighty Dead, and while our Dead will always be with us, the time has come to dissolve that formal relationship. Yet there are many, many members of that august body whose specific praises we have not yet sung. This will be an opportunity for anyone attending to help remedy that oversight by making offerings to any specific person having lived and passed over. We will follow a Druid-style format with a period of time with the Gates between the worlds opened, and there will be time to address praise offerings to any of the beings who might be contacted that way. An appropriate offering can be a performance, piece of art, or substance (food, drink, flowers, etc.) likely to please the person being honored. We specifically urge you to come prepared to invoke and make an offering to any of the “Prophetic people” whose words and deeds “challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love,” as mentioned in the UU Sources.
If you are joining from home, you will wish to have a chalice and means of lighting it, and you may also want to provide an offering bowl and substances that you can offer to any of the Powers. We also encourage you to have a beverage available to share in the return of blessings. If attending in person, we encourage you to bring a suitable vessel to receive a blessing liquid, as the time is not yet right for sharing from a communal vessel. (And if you prefer, feel free to bring your own beverage to be blessed)
This ritual will be held in person at 4327 Troost Ave, and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81636948830?pwd=wnPxtWJyjGCy65Y0GFsvuMPTIZ-32G.1 Our physical and virtual space will open at 3:30pm Central, and the ritual will begin around 4.