January 2020 Ritual for Business Minutes

Minutes for the Ritual for Business on 1/18/2020

In attendance (online): Barbara, Susi, Kitty, Katie, David, Kimberly, Devin, Erin

Because of the weather, we met online via Google Hangouts.

Katie volunteered to be Vibes Watcher. We did not assign other roles due to the online format.

  1. Agenda approved as presented.
  2. Minutes from December were approved as presented.
  3. Treasurer: 84.24% income YTD, we are no longer paying for the upstairs room.
  4. Committees
    1. KidSpace: stuff is moved to the south building and out of the upstairs. There are some containers we might be able to utilize over there to store our stuff.
    2. Communications: website is updated, FB is acting a little squirrelly, but hopefully that is temporary. We got a book solicitation about the historical Jesus vs the biblical Christ. Kimberly will read it. There were no phone calls in the past month.
    3. Social Justice: no meeting last month. No news on Blue River Rescue, but we will continue to reach out.
    4. Ritual Teams: critiques happened.
    5. Liaison: the mirror investigation continues, but it’s in DT’s hands now. We got DTs approval to assume that we are using the south building space, but he would like a text when we do after the fact, which seems very reasonable.
    6. Nominating: they have started approaching members about the April elections.
    7. Membership: greeter’s table is staffed. We have some visitors who have come intermittently so far, will continue to monitor.
    8. Stewardship: the Hospitality roster wants your love and attention. Central Coffee Coven had 9 people this month, including Vicki Combs. She is presenting 25 April at Aquarius, 2pm. We had some people looking for places to join community at the coffee covens.
  5. Old Business
    1. Parking: David has gotten the process going forward for our accessible parking space. It will start at the light pole roughly centered on the building, and extend 20’ south (the minimum size). Erin and David and the ADA coordinator all agreed that was probably the best placement we could get without paying for a curb cut and proper ramp. Kitty will let DT know.