Minutes for the Zoom Meeting on March 21, 2020 (reconstructed due to computer crash)
In attendance: Susi, Erin, David, Kimberly, Matt, Barbara, Devin, Katie, others?
- Roles: we decided the only role we were required to have was Vibes Watcher, which ______ took.
- Chalice: Susi lit a chalice.
- Minutes: David referred to the minutes posted on the website; approved with amendments found while reading.
- Treasurer’s Report: Devin reported on the budget: 68.05% of pledges YTD, but 81% of income overall. Total expenses sit at 63.67% of the budgeted amount. We have $11,596.58 in the checking account, $468.71 in the KidSpace account, and $766.89 in the Home Fund.
- Committees
- KidSpace – no activity anticipated until we are meeting in person again. We did warn DT that we were not going to be using the south building until future notice, though we are not changing our rent at this time.
- Communications – Zoom account has been set up and should be ready for Sunday’s ritual. An event has been posted in FB and on the website. We will open for Coffee Hour at 3pm to try to troubleshoot anyone’s difficulties with connecting to ritual online. David went to an ADF ritual the other day via Zoom and learned some tips, has already started assembling them for Ritual Teams’ use.
- Social Justice – no meeting due to lack of attendance.
- Ritual Teams – met and did titles for the upcoming quarter, as well as critiques.
- Liaison – no activity to report. Kitty will reach out to DT and see how the Equal Minded Cafe is doing.
- NomCom – they are finalizing the slate for the election next month (April).
- Membership – no report at this time. We need to check in with people who are technology-challenged and make sure they know about the changes to services, etc.
- Stewardship – Member Sunday is in a few weeks, which will kick off the pledge drive.
- New Business
- Zoom – David has purchased an account for Zoom, it turns out All Souls’ account is heavily branded for them and it might be confusing to our people. This only costs around $14/month, so he will front the cost for the time being. Consensed to move our services and other events online until the coronavirus threat level goes down sufficiently.