August 2017 Ritual for Business Minutes

Ritual for Business August 26, 2017

In attendance: Devin, Erin, Katie, Rosemary, Jan, Barbara, Kitty, Susi

I. Roles – Barbara as Vibes Watcher, Katie as Non Sequitur, Kitty as Red Tape, Jan as Devil’s Advocate

II. Agenda – Approved

III. Minutes – Approved with typo fixing.

IV. Treasurer’s Report – YTD pledges are a bit behind (at 88% of projected). Adding greening the basket, we’re at 84% of expectations, but God Auction proceeds are at 160% so we are doing just fine. The Dionysus party also brought in some good funds. We are at a total of 155% of general projected fundraisers thus far this year. Devin feels we have plenty of room in the budget to pull an extra $200/mo for an extra Kidspace room.

General Fund – $11,468

Kidspace – $468.71

Home – $766.89

V. Committee Reports

A. Kidspace – We kind of currently lack kids.

B. Communications – Website has been down. Our hosting server migrated which is apparently causing problems.

C. Social Justice – We are in the process of adopting our stretch of road. The application is limbo until the city can fill the position of being in charge of such things. Working on picking an animal shelter to do a “stuff” drive. Things are in the works for spring involving bees. PPD is having a “food fight” Harvesters food drive competition. When you donate things, make sure they get counted for Gaia Community.

D. Ritual Teams – We continue to have rituals. Yay! Meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 5.

E. Liaisons – Lyn is on her way, so we will look at a room. They’re talking about a window treatment in the front and Gaia will have a panel where we can have a sign.

F. Stewardship – We had a Dionysus party. It was very successful.

G. Membership – Nothing to report.

H. NomCom – Nothing to report.

VI. Old Business

A. Sign – We are going to get the dimensions of the window space we are going to get so we can design the sign accordingly.

B. RfB Move – Tabling again; we still need feedback.

C. The Room – On October 1, we begin renting out a room upstairs for $300/month, on a month by month basis. We will evaluate periodically to determine viability. Consensed.

D. Halloween Kids’ Event – HSA likes the idea, so it is a thing that is likely to happen on October 21.

VII. New Business

VIII. Announcements

A. All Souls is having a book sale Sept 22-24. (This is the same weekend as the Half-Price Book sale. It’s a book weekend!)

B. All Souls is also having an ice cream social on Labor Day from 3-5 PM.

C. Belly Dancing classes start on Wednesday here at HotD.