December 2016 Ritual for Business Minutes

Minutes Ritual For Business 12/24/2016

Present: David, Kimberly, Susi, Katie, Matt, Rosemary, James, Barbara, Jan

  1. Roles: Barbara as Parliamentarian, David as Devil’s Advocate, Kimberly as Vibes Watcher, and Katie wielded the Spatula.
  2. Chalice: lit the chalice on the second try.
  3. Agenda: approved as made.
  4. Minutes: approved as amended.
  5. Treasurer’s Report: Devin provided an emailed report. Income has risen significantly to $6,755, still about 18% low (which is normal) with expenses running at $4306, about 26% under budget. Our budget traditionally runs a little light in the first Devin and Matt are continuing to analyze the options for a phone line.
  6. Committees:
    1. Communications: David has uploaded the minutes for 2016 through the last finalized month (November is now final, so will go up this weekend). Website committee lists have also been updated, along with some other incidental typos. Events should no longer say “Ubuntu Village” in the location bar; we never did update the default time to 3PM so that required no fixing. Search had to be disabled due to a bug, sorry.
      We still desperately need to update our version of Drupal, we are on 6.14 and the current stable release is 8.01 or 7.41 if we wanted to update incrementally.
      Facebook continues to muddle on apace. Time to update the cover photo for winter season…
    2. KidSpace: we continue to have one or two kids show up every couple of weeks. We had a toddler for once, during Rural Dionysia (and we did not scare them away).
    3. Membership: we have some future attendees making noise about coming once they arrive in town.
    4. Ritual Teams: we scheduled through Beltane at the last meeting, and next year will mark our 20th anniversary. We have been invited to help out with All Souls’ Earth Day ritual, and plan to do a singing ritual. Barbara also noted that we should make room for giving plants to the kids; Barbara will try to get a count. Barbara is also helping lead their non-pastoral New Year’s Day service, utilizing our labyrinth.
    5. Social Justice: Meeting was held at the space in December; we are working on a future collaboration with KCAVP to table at some grocery stores with them to do outreach.
      In January we’ll pick back up on movie showings with The New Black, which is about the intersectionality of Black churches and LBGTQ rights. That will be January 5th, 2017, here in the space, at 7PM. Netflix has now set up the ability to download their shows and play them offline.
    6. Stewardship: the next big plan for a small fundraiser is going to be a murder mystery party, with a theme of murder and mayhem in the Faerie Courts.
      SpreadShirt has changed the way their website works, so for a brief moment our stuff was mispriced to include no benefit donation to us, but no one bought anything during that time, so it’s fine.
    7. Welcoming: Kimberly spoke to the committee members about merging with Social Justice; they have no problem with it. Consensed to merge until further need.
    8. Liaisons: Barbara reported that Vicky has asked Danny to become responsible for paying the bills; Kitty can probably continue to provide a profit-loss statement for the LLC as a way of sharing responsibility.
      Lyn asked that we mop the front room when inclement weather hits; the mop we had last week was in very bad condition. David also had to pick up some salt and a new shovel, since the ones we had last year were AWOL.
      David did not attend Manheim’s meeting this month, as it was just their holiday party.
    9. NomCom: no report, no concern.
  7. New Business
    1. Projector – Kimberly proposed that Gaia Community buy its own projector for our use. We have been pricing them, and a good projector can be had for $400-600. Kimberly wants to run a separate fundraiser for that. Barbara may have a resource as well, she will check on the donation potential for that. Consensed.