December 2017 Ritual for Business Minutes

Ritual for Business December 16, 2017

In attendance: Susi, Erin, Devin, Rosemary, David, Kimberly, Katie

I. Roles

Non Sequitur – Katie

Devil’s Advocate – David

Vibes Watcher – Devin

Red Tape – Erin

II. Agenda

III. Minutes – Approved with amendment.

IV. Treasurer’s Report – currently at 70.48% of projected pledges. Cookies brought in $70.55. Nightmare Before Yule party brought in $4. Phone is no longer sucking monies.

General Fund – $10,909.68

Kidspace – $468.71

Home – $766.89

V. Committee Reports

A. Kidspace – Kids keep showing up. We had a Nightmare Before Yule party; seven kids showed up! We would like to have more kid events. Yule ritual will be intergenerational.

B. Communications – Katie got a call from a fellow named Aaron driving around the country working on a religion documentary. He got to have a chat with Gaia representatives, and the whole thing went over quite well. The website is still up and running; Kimberly loves how easy it is to update. Facebook screwed around with photo sizing again, because reasons; we’ve mostly fixed this now. Invites are also being weird.

C. Social Justice – Had a meeting; we will be putting a game on the website about climate change in January. Also planning a clothing swap tentatively for February.

D. Ritual Teams – Had a meeting on Sunday; scheduled through Beltane. Making progress on the EIR curriculum update.

E. Liaisons

Building – We can no longer just put things on the calendar anymore; we need to send requests through Lyn.

Mannheim – They have empaneled an audit committee to investigate Bill. The meeting was a train wreck, but people are getting tired of watching trains crash, so efforts are being made to enshrine actual policies. They’re also arguing about minutes.

F. Stewardship – We did the bake sale, but logistics were a mess. First Friday is not turning out to be a good ROI for us.

G. Membership – We’re having problems with the doors being confusing; people are bypassing the Greeter’s Table. We’re going to try some extra signs and shuffling things around. Experimentation month shall commence!

H. NomCom – Status is static.

VI. Old Business

VII. New Business

A. Space Use Requirement – Kitty says that Lyn has gotten an inquiry about someone wanting to rent the downstairs for a full weekend (ending at 2pm on Sunday). This will be the third weekend in July, which would impact Games Night and RfB that weekend, as well as inconvenience ritual. We can make adjustments to accommodate this. Proposal – that we have an off-site Games Night and RfB upstairs that week. Consensed.

VII. Announcements