Ritual for Business February 17, 2018
In attendance: Barbara, Erin, Devin, Jan, Rosemary, Kimberly, David, Kitty
I. Roles
Non Sequitur – Devin
Devil’s Advocate – Jan
Vibes Watcher – David
Red Tape – Barbara
II. Agenda – Approved
III. Minutes – Approved as read.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
General Fund – $10,027.68
Kidspace – $468.71
Home – $766.89
V. Committee Reports
A. Kidspace – Continues apace; looking at furnishing the room with storage benches around the edges out of the Kidspace fund.
B. Communications – Facebook algorithm change is, for once, actually benefiting our Group. We’re ready to try the Kidspace advertising test to see if we get a return.
C. Social Justice – Clothing swap still happening, bee fundraiser still planned. Blue River Rescue is also on the horizon.
D. Ritual Teams – EIR will happen at the end of March. Tamilia is the primary target audience.
E. Liaisons
1. Mannheim – They impeached their entire board, and a new interim board was elected. They’re considering adding a sergeant-at-arms position.
2. Building – Meeting with Vicky – email requesting the meeting indicating she wanted to pay out our shares and felt we were better tenants than business partners. The actual meeting: Vicky’s grandson would like to run the cafe. There is a mentorship situation being set up with the owners of another local cafe. Communicated to Vicky that we were happy here, we want to stay, and we want to stay partners. If, at some point in the future, she has 31k (or wants to pay us off in installments) we would bring it to the COW to consider the offer. The old LLC agreement seems to be missing. We should look towards putting together a new agreement.
F. Stewardship – Pledge Drive is coming soon; kickoff will be on March 25.
G. Membership – We have a few newish people circulating about.
H. NomCom – Elections are approaching. They will be in April.
VI. Old Business
A. Advertising – Since the original proposal was consensed on last month, we just need to pull the trigger on the advertising test.
VII. New Business
VII. Announcements