Lender Information
Method One: For Existing LibraryThing Users
If you already have an account with LibraryThing, just temporarily tag the books that you would like to be available with “GCVLL
” and then fill out the form below to let the Librarian know what your account name is.
If you would like to use this option and don’t already have an account, getting one is easy. Putting up to 200 books into LibraryThing is free; after that it is $15/year. After you’ve set up an account at LT, enter the books you want to make available (at least) and tag them “GCVLL
“. Then fill out the form below. Even if you start with just the Gaia books, we think you’ll quickly find that LT is a lot of fun and will want to catalogue all your books. The Librarian has a CueCat (a handheld barcode scanner) that you may borrow to make this process faster. Training in using LT is also available.
Method Two: For Those Who Have Not Yet Beheld the Glory of LibraryThing
Make a list of the books you’d like to make available to the VLL. The ISBN of the book is preferred but if you can’t find it, the author, title, and year of printing are fine. Email your list to librarian@gaiacommunity.org. We’ll take care of the rest!
Finding ISBNs
ISBNs are 10 or 13 digits. The newest books are 13 digits and most start with 978. Most modern books have the ISBN printed on the back cover above a barcode. On older books, try the copyright page. Some hardcovers may have the barcode and ISBN on the inside of the book jacket. Old paperbacks sometimes have an ISBN on the spine or in small print on the front cover. Watch out! If you are trying to get the ISBN from the numbers under a barcode, look to the side. If it says EAN, you’re good but otherwise that’s probably the UPC, which may not work in LibraryThing.
Reference Books
If you have books that Gaia members may find useful but you are hesitant to lend out — for example, the book is rare or out-of-print — please consider also tagging or listing them “reference
“. This will be a signal that a Borrower may make arrangements to look at the book with you (or possibly the Librarian) present, but may not take it from your home.