January 2016
Minutes Ritual For Business 1/23/2016
Present: Erin, Devin, David, Rosemary, Barbara, Jan, Kit, Susi, Kitty
- Roles: David as Vibes Watcher, Susi as Parliamentarian, Devin as Non Sequitur, and Jan as Devil’s Advocate.
- Chalice: lit by Barbara
- Agenda: approved as written.
- Minutes: approved as read, though there was some question of whether the key has actually moved from Barbara to Jamie.
- Treasurer’s report: John sent a report by email: Gaia account has $6,180.25. KidSpace account has $468.71, and Home Fund has $523.56. The missing stack of checks from December was found and deposited.
- Committee Reports:
- Communications – the EH comes out tomorrow, come Helll or High Water. So if you have not yet sent a blurb to Jamie, do so tonight! No one has complained about the lack of printed announcements, so that seems to be working well. Our electronic and verbal resources seem to be working. Jan suggested making an explicit slot in ritual for verbal announcements; Ritual Teams will take up the charge.
- Kidspace – Barbara mentioned to John that the kids want to do more interesting stuff, to pass on to Linda. She also spoke to All Souls; their mainstay teachers are overcommitted already but their RE Coordinator said she would keep her eyes open for interested folks. The specific person she was thinking of has not been seen yet to approach.
Barbara also wants to get the committee (as well as Pretty Committee) to start thinking about ways to remodel and improve our upstairs room. They may go up and survey the room after this meeting. - Ritual Teams – Ritual Teams covered several critiques last month, and addressed the accessibility concerns for a recent attendee.
- Membership – Greeter’s Table has been staffed successfully (mostly); Katie volunteered to help out in the rotation. Jamie needs to get with Barbara about recertifying members to the UUA.
- Pretty Committee – three members of the committee met and redid the front window. The next project will probably be the room upstairs for KidSpace/children.
- Social Justice – Food Stamped was shown to about eleven people this month; the speaker worked well. There was discussion afterward. The topic for next one will be about insects as a food source, but it will be on February 4th. We also set a fundraiser topic for Imbolc-Equinox: Sheep vs. Goats for Heifer International.
In March, the movie showing will be the 2nd Thursday (the 10th) due to Ritual Teams meeting on the 3th. Barbara suggested putting up a sign advertising the movie nights. - Stewardship – no report except to say that there will not be a February fundraiser due to time constraints; the idea is still valid though (Taming of the Strew, GLBT-friendly).
- Welcoming – no concerns have been shared.
- Site/LLC Liaison – David reported that the Manheim Meetings have been running very smoothly of late; the Vice-President has been running them in Seft’s absence.
LLC Liaison report deferred to Old Business. - NomCom – Kit was reminded to write up/present his proposal regarding changes to Nom Com (staggered terms for continuity). Anyone interested in that change should talk after this meeting, and propose it for any month except April (since that is actually elections).
- Old Business
- Proposal regarding the Heart of the Dove – Lyn and Danny’s proposal is for the spiritual center, to be called “Heart of the Dove” (the LLC would still be UVN). There would be both regular and part-time tenants, such as reiki, massage, yoga, kirtan, meditation, teaching sustainability and gardening, arts, dance, etc.
Elevators would be a minimum of $25k so that is off the table for the time being. Also as long as the downstairs is made ADA-compliant, the upstairs renovations do not trigger a requirement to upgrade that space to ADA requirements. Furthermore the plan to put a movable wall between the two sides of downstairs has been downgraded from a priority, as it may not be amenable to lock up the southmost room with restricted access behind the shop.
Jamie asked about the second fridge that has shown up – apparently it was donated and may be in better shape than the Peters’ old fridge. There is no plan right now to implement a kitchen space in HotD, but Barbara stated that there is a written lease between Vicky and Anita (at the daycare) that will allow us access to the kitchen there.
Barbara pointed out that the core of her proposal was that the community agree in principle to only sell our shares for $1,000 in legal tender; no IOUs, no payment-of-rent, no exchange in kind.
Agreed to strike 3-d from the proposal, as it shades into the ‘buying and selling’ decision. Consensus reached.
- Proposal regarding the Heart of the Dove – Lyn and Danny’s proposal is for the spiritual center, to be called “Heart of the Dove” (the LLC would still be UVN). There would be both regular and part-time tenants, such as reiki, massage, yoga, kirtan, meditation, teaching sustainability and gardening, arts, dance, etc.