Minutes for the Ritual For Business on 1/28/2017
Present: Erin, Devin, Jan, Barbara, David, Kimberly, Susi, Kitty
- Roles: Barbara as Parliamentarian, Devin as Devil’s Advocate, Jan as Vibes Watcher, and David wielded the Spatula.
- Chalice: Susi lit the chalice.
- Agenda: approved as made.
- Minutes: approved as recorded.
- Treasurer’s Report: income for the year is up to $7,265.05; $7,170 in the main checking account. We got a $148 credit from Church Mutual; Devin has not actually received a bill from them for this year so far. Our expenses are running at $4,340.13 for the year.
Devin is trying to provide tax letters to members, but records from the previous treasurer (January-May 2016) are spotty. He will work with people to recreate records where possible. - Committees:
- Communications: Facebook has changed the way they handle events; we can no longer invite the entire Group membership to an event, even if you’re an admin.
- KidSpace: no meeting of recent vintage, no report.
- Membership: no report of note.
- Ritual Teams: RT are pacing along well, we have enough members there to have 2-3 ritualists on every ritual, and not have to be on every other week. The next Ritual Team meeting will be on Wednesday, February 1st.
Penny Auction nominations will start tomorrow, both online and at Imbolc ritual, and go for six weeks. Kimberly will verify that the online form is up to date. - Social Justice: we showed The New Black to three people earlier this month; the Netflix download option is a little more complicated than we thought, but Jamie provided her hot spot for internet access. We are rethinking showing movies here, due to the logistics issues and the fact that it has not seemed to increase attendance any to hold it in midtown. The next month’s movie will be 13TH, a movie about Jim Crow laws.
Blue River Rescue will be on April 1st this year. - Stewardship: Pledge Drive will start in March this year as it usually does, hopefully the first part of the month.
- Liaisons: Kitty has gotten Danny the account numbers and processes, though not the physical checkbook. She still needs to update the P&L statement for 2016. Danny has verbalized that he’s not interested in receiving shares for his work/sweat equity.
We have noted an uptick in large official events occurring and being announced throughout the space, we are unsure how much if any income from that is coming to the LLC.
David did not attend Maheim’s meeting in January due to a scheduling conflict. - NomCom: no report.
- Old Business:
- Projector – David scored a discounted projector ($355 for about $900 in value) so that portion is taken care of; the fundraiser has not officially started yet. It has all of the prior connection methods and some newer one, like USB. We will bring it to the Ritual Teams meeting next Wednesday to try out the connections, etc.
- New Business:
- Request to Borrow Labyrinth – Barbara said that the labyrinth was well-received when being received at All Souls, about 25 people walked it. Everyone was very appreciative, and someone wanted to borrow it for a women’s retreat in St. Louis in April. People were in theory in favor of this, provided we can get a deposit and possibly a rental fee. We’ll need to craft better care-and-handling instructions for strangers to be able to interpret, such as letting it dry out fully before packing up.
- Outreach at Rallies – Devin wants to know how we can reach out to people at the protests and rallies going on in the near future. He would like to have us make a presence at these events, preferably with literature. Barbara and Susi will work on how to make that work. Kimberly pointed out that we should angle our outreach towards the social justice angles (movies, actions) since the percentage of pagans will be relatively small, and some people who are nevertheless invested in social justice may not like our theology.