Ritual for Business January 20, 2018
In attendance: Rosemary, Katie, Barbara, Kitty, Jan, David, Devin, Erin, Gary
I. Roles
Non Sequitur – Katie
Devil’s Advocate – Kitty
Vibes Watcher – Devin
Red Tape – Barbara
II. Agenda
III. Minutes – Approved with typo corrections.
IV. Treasurer’s Report – Still a little behind on pledges, a little ahead on greening the basket.
General Fund – $ 10.992.68
Kidspace – $468.71
Home – $766.89
V. Committee Reports
A. Kidspace – We’ve had Kidspace for the most part, but there were a couple of weekends where we cancelled. On days we don’t know for sure, rather than ask Tori to stay unpaid, we’ve been having her stay for an hour and paid for that time.
B. Communications – Website continues to proceed apace. Kimberly is working on getting the game set up. Facebook events continue to be a pain in the ass, because we can’t invite non-group members to group events.
C. Social Justice – We are having a clothing swap on March 6 from 6pm-8pm. The climate change game is about to be up on the website. Also, starting a new campaign on Imbolc for beeeeeees! We’re going to have a fundraiser for an as-yet unchosen beekeeper.
D. Ritual Teams – Met and are clipping along nicely, though David is looking for a new RTC. He’s done it for about 9 years and is ready to not do it anymore. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, Feb 7.
E. Liaisons
1. Building – Apparently Jamie has the best key for the north door, and Lyn would like to have it. Google fiber is here, so update your wifi! (Passwords remain the same on the new network.) The promised cafe is getting closer to opening; when it does, it will cause some things to shift around and we will likely need to move RfB upstairs. We now officially have Sundays from 2-9pm every week, and rent is remaining the same for the next year. We also have the space starting Saturday at 2pm the weekend of God Auction (July 14-15). We just need to round up Susi to sign the lease.
2. Mannheim – Not as bad as last month; they made a few changes to streamline the meeting. They laid down some ground rules, which caused one person to storm out. The impeachment committee attempted and failed to rebrand as an audit committee. Also are trying to make a bylaws change that didn’t really have a measurable purpose. Bill hasn’t been impeached (yet).
F. Stewardship – Nothing to report.
G. Membership – We had two new people show up last week; they appear to be interested in showing up regularly.
H. NomCom – Looking for that new RT leader.
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
A. Advertisement for Kidspace – Devin would like to propose that any week we do not use our full $40/week budget for a teacher, we allocate those funds to Kidspace advertising. Barbara additionally proposed that the Communications and Kidspace committees be empowered to pull the trigger and do a $40 test. Consensed.
VII. Announcements