July 2017 Ritual for Business Minutes

Ritual for Business July 22, 2017

In attendance: Susi, Matt, Katie, Rosemary, Erin, Devin, Jan, David, Kimberly

I. Roles – Matt for Non Sequitur, Katie for Vibes Watcher, Erin for Red Tape, Devin for Devil’s Advocate

II. Agenda – Approved with additions

III. Minutes – Approved as read

IV. Treasurer’s Report – $3029 came in from God Auction, 160% of GA + PA predicted intake. Expenses are still minimal as we have barely begun the budget year. July rent has been paid.

General Fund – $9891.28

Kidspace – $468.71

Home – $766.89

V. Committee Reports

A. Kidspace – See New Business

B. Communications – Earth Healer went out for Solstice.

C. Social Justice – Did not meet in July because God Auction. We will meet in August and discuss projects for Gaia as new patron.

D. Ritual Teams – RT keeps doing rituals. Next meeting is Sunday August 6. Erin brought up a conflict in the ritual calendar, as we have scheduled a Sunday ritual on Pagan Pride Day. This is September 10. We will discuss at RT meeting.

E. Liaisons – Vicky is back in town, seemingly permanently. Nothing to report on Mannheim this week, as David was out of town during their last meeting.

F. Stewardship – Dionysus party is on August 5! Kimberly will be making social media posts; please share them!

G. Membership – No report.

H. NomCom – No report.

VI. Old Business

A. RfB proposal on hold until input has been received.

B. Sign

VII. New Business

A. WeeSpace – To announce that right now, we cannot offer care for children under 5; we just don’t have the space available. We continue to offer Kidspace for school-aged children, we just cannot offer nursery care. Consensed.

B. Kids’ Halloween Party – Devin would like to host a Halloween party at HotD on October 21. The idea is to partner with HSA to have an all-KC pagan kids party as a joint event. He will come back next month with a detailed proposal.

C. MO Interfaith – Susi received an email about the Interfaith Power & Life, an interfaith group that works on political action in regards to climate change. Proposal: “Put together a task force to look into joining this group.” Referring to Social Justice committee to put onto their agenda.

D. Street Adoption – Another thing to refer to Social Justice to investigate. David has a contact and he has obtained paperwork.

VII. Announcements