Minutes Ritual For Business 10/22/2016
Present: David, Kimberly, Devin, Barbara, Jan, Erin, Susi, Katie, Rosemary, James
- Roles: Kimberly as Parliamentarian, Barbara as Devil’s Advocate, Katie as Vibes Watcher, and Devin wielded the Spatula.
- Chalice: Susi lit the chalice.
- Agenda: approved as made.
- Minutes: approved as read.
- Treasurer’s Report: reported on the numbers, as included.
- Committees:
- Communications: Committee meeting took place; report to be transcluded. Kimberly asked if there was any interest in exchanging an email list for an announcement-only method like Constant Contact, since most of our discussions these days happen on Facebook. David felt like Twitter and the website were good for announcing things, and wanted to keep the small opportunity for people to discuss via email, if they are not on Facebook or something.
Jan noted that she would like to see the last several months of Minutes go up on the website, so that she can catch up on what happened while she was out of town. - KidSpace: no change to the status quo.
- Ritual Teams: meeting was held, critiques were conducted, no surprises going on.
- Membership: Katie and Erin need yellow ribbons now that they have joined the greeter’s table; Barbara taught them the secret location of the ribbons (i.e. they’re in the greeter’s table box).
- Social Justice: In Search of General Tso was viewed; More Than Honey will be on November 10th, here, at 7pm. Also on November 12th we got enough interest for a lane at the Brunch and Bowl benefit for AVP; more people are welcome.
- Stewardship: bonfire tonight at Kimberly’s house.
- Welcoming: Barbara and Matt ninja’ed up the Welcoming Congregations sign again.
- Liaisons – Barbara has been ill; there have been no recent meetings for the LLC. The space continues to gradually improve. Barbara can forsee that the vending on First Fridays may translate eventually into consignment goods in Lyn’s shop when it is up and running.
David went to Manheim’s meeting; Obiegale is becoming the thorn in the group’s side that Bill used to be. The community garden is kind of in flux, as NHSofKC wants to sell off some of their assets. The neighborhood wants to buy it, but they may or may not be able to muster the resources. They are also having some conflict with the Make It Right management in Bancroft, but that is not our problem. - NomCom: stands ready for need.
- Communications: Committee meeting took place; report to be transcluded. Kimberly asked if there was any interest in exchanging an email list for an announcement-only method like Constant Contact, since most of our discussions these days happen on Facebook. David felt like Twitter and the website were good for announcing things, and wanted to keep the small opportunity for people to discuss via email, if they are not on Facebook or something.
- Old Business:
- Sink: Kit still owns the sink that he used to set up for potlucks; it relied on waterline access through the ceiling, and was pretty makeshift. Now that the space is mostly finished, it doesn’t fit in with the aesthetic, and the bathroom sinks now have hot water. Consensed that it no longer fits an existing need.
- New Business:
- KCPT: Linda received word through the Interfaith Council that KCPT wants to come out and film our Samhain ritual. There was a lot of concern about that, but we could probably let them interview/film people who consent to that, film the ritual decorations, etc. David pointed out that it may be scary, but it’s wholly within our mission statement to put ourselves out there as a public religious organization. Barbara noted that we are still ‘published’ as the group that “sits around a black table and chants in Elvish” due to the surreptitious research conducted by Pluralism Project; that person didn’t talk to us though, they just observed and reported. Kimberly will try to get the contact from KCPT and explain our conditions, and they may decide this is no longer interesting to them. Or maybe they will decide to come next year and we can design a Samhain ritual that might more film-friendly. Consensed.
- Thanksgiving: Rosemary has offered to host Thanksgiving this year at her house. Consensed; details to be discussed.