Ritual for Business September 23, 2017
In attendance: Susi, Barbara, Jan, Rosemary, David, Erin, Kitty, Katie, Devin
I. Roles
Erin for Non Sequitur
Kitty for Devil’s Advocate
Jan for Vibes Watcher
Barbara for Red Tape
II. Agenda – Approved
III. Minutes
IV. Treasurer’s Report – No fundraisers since last report. Total income is sitting at 102% of expected to date. We are still paying too much for the phone; will discuss in Old Business.
General Fund – $11,210.46
Kidspace – $468.71
Home – $766.89
V. Committee Reports
A. Kidspace – On hiatus until the new room is actively under our control. We are looking for a full-time teacher.
B. Communications – Looking at a few different options for fixing the website. Currently we have a basic one up and running, but it needs to be revamped in order to have full functionality again. Meeting is Oct 16 @ 7PM at David’s house.
C. Social Justice – Continuing the pet drive project through Samhain.
D. Ritual Teams – Planned out schedule through Imbolc; we’ve got some exciting things in the works!
E. Liaisons
1. Neighborhood – New Mannheim Board is starting to get organized. They’re having some issues with Bancroft. Builders are coming in to build new houses.
2. LLC – *Kitty gave Lyn information for the HotD FB page. *Meeting in upstairs lounge on 9/24 from 5-6. Lyn wants to know if we want to have a lease for the extra room with the idea that the rent won’t get paid to the building account. We have concerns about making sure the building gets insured, and there are some weird political interactions going on here. *We have been reminded of our open invitation to have a table at First Friday; we are going to try and put together a kids’ activity table.
3. GA meeting is on November 4 at All Souls.
F. Stewardship – Nothing major brewing at the moment. Stay tuned.
G. Membership – Nothing to report.
H. NomCom – Nothing to report.
VI. Old Business
A. RfB Date Change – We did a poll; there is a clear preference for the third Saturday. It is proposed that we move it to the third Saturday starting in October; consensed.
B. Phone – Google Voice is free, and can be forwarded to a cell phone and this can be changed at any time. The trick is that you can only have one per Google account, though we could set up a new account for GCUU. And a problem is that we probably cannot keep our current phone number, so we would have to update all of our literature. Discussion of where phone will be forwarded is tabled until October.
C. Kids’ Event—A Heartland Halloween party for children, as proposed, is not able to be pulled off. Devin proposed a Nightmare before Yule party for the children on December 9th, pending agreement of the yoga folks who have yoga during the same timeframe. Possibly 5-8 pm; Susi, Kitty, Katie, Barbara. It has been “pencilled” into HDKC calendar. A planning meeting will be set up
B. Dan’s LARP Group—Dan Simes is back in town and would like to make a new Live-Action-Role-Play group and have it as a Gaia function, but this would meet in the downstairs event space every other Saturday, so we would probably need to pay more.
C. Setting up the new room—preliminary setup of things we already have here will happen on October 1, committee includes Barbara, Erin, Susi, & Kitty for this purpose.
VII. Announcements–